Typically, it takes time to fall in love with someone, but there are cases when it happens without any intention beforehand, a feeling that you have found your "soulmate" you might say. Unfortunately, if you are in a relationship, it is decision time. If you are married, you have made a commitment that should certainly be honored above all others. You love your husband or wife just as you always have, even though this new person has taken your breath away. In this case, you must seperate yourself from the interloper immediately, as nothing will come of this situation but heartache and trouble.
If you have not taken the leap into wedded bliss yet, you are a bit more free in your choices. If you decide to try something new, you must still take the other person's feelings into consideration and if you are leaving them, do so with as much grace and tact as possible. Give a great amount of thought to your choices before making a firm decision.
If what you are feeling is merely a physical attraction, it will fade in time and you will have lost someone you really did love. If, on the other hand, you disregard the feelings that you have and they are that indescribable "soulmate" type of love, you will never be able to forget them or let them go so you can completely give yourself to someone else. It is a difficult thing to sort out and you may even need to be alone for a while to do so.
There are other situations where you have no option but to love two people at once and it isn't necessarily wrong. I have had a lover pass away unexpectedly. There was no bad break-up, nothing that made me stop loving them or change my feelings for them at all. Death doesn't have any respect for feelings and it doesn't take them away with the person. I have had to move on with my life and have found another man to love. In hindsight, was that the right decision? I don't know honestly. It is not the same kind of love. This new love is a more comfortable love, not the fireworks love I knew in the past, but it is love all the same. I still miss and love the one I lost, so I suppose that I do indeed love them both, but very differently.
Loving two people at once is extremely difficult as it tears you in two even when there is nothing you can do about it. You can't fully give yourself to either person. They may be hurt in the process. It is not entirely fair to them. Even in my case, I know that there are parts of me that still belong to the love that I mourn to this day.
My new love doesn't really understand that or seem to care, he is a much less emotional man and is happy with what we have, but it sometimes bothers me to know how much is missing. There are so many different ways to love, even within the realm of what we call "romantic love", and different circumstances, but in general, if you feel that you are falling in love with two people at once, you must make a decision and make the best of it. Let go of the person fully that you are letting go of and move forward with your chosen love.
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