Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Sex-Starved Spouse

I heard a joke the other day that goes something like this. A couple seeks marital therapy. The wife complains that her husband isn't interested in having sex. At some point in the middle of the session the therapist grabs the woman and kisses her passionately while she "oohs" and "aahs" with delight. The therapist then turns to the husband and says, "See, your wife needs this every Monday, Wednesday and Friday." The husband is quiet for a moment and then replies, "Monday and Wednesday will work, but I can't get her here on Friday. I've got a golf game."

This joke caught my attention because it had an unfamiliar ring to it- the husband didn’t want sex. We’re used to the standard jokes about desire-less women who prefer doing just about anything- cleaning out the freezer, paying bills or taking out the garbage- over having sex with their mates. But this was a new twist, a twist I might add, that has quite a bit of truth to it.

As someone who is in the front lines with couples, I have grown increasingly aware that women have no corner on the low libido market. In fact, based on my clinical observations and casual conversations with colleagues, I’d say that low desire in men is America’s best kept secret. After all, in a culture where virility is inextricably connected with masculinity, why would any man want to broadcast his drop in desire? Most of the data available on the incidence of low libido in men is based on self-report and estimates vary widely. Do we really know what goes on behind bedroom doors? I don’t think so.

Although it isn’t hard core research by any stretch of the imagination, I teamed up with Redbook Magazine to survey women about their views on their husbands’ sexual appetites. We found some interesting results. I will mention just a few.

Sixty percent of the women surveyed said they wanted sex just as much, if not more, than their husbands. The majority of low desire men are unwilling to discuss this issue with their wives and resist seeking help from doctors or therapists. They also won’t talk to their buddies about it.

Men’s unwillingness to openly discuss this matter leaves women feeling exasperated, lonely and hopeless.

Another interesting point is that the person with lower sexual desire controls the frequency of sex. He has the veto power. Not only that, he expects his wife to accept it, not complain about it and to remain monogamous, an expectation that is bound to backfire over time. The survey also suggested that there is less sex in marriages when the husband has low desire than in marriages where women are the ones who say, “No”. That’s because, in our culture, men are expected to be the initiators and when it is the wife who initiates but gets turned down frequently, she is more likely to give up than her male counterpart.

Another myth-buster revealed by the survey was what women said were the causes for their husbands’ lack of desire. Contrary to popular belief that the only reason a man would turn down sex is because “his machinery isn’t working properly,” or their wives are extremely unattractive, this just isn’t so. Men, it seems, turn off to sex for many of the same reasons that their wives do- emotional disconnection, underlying resentment or unresolved problems, depression, stress and so on. In fact, one of the most common reasons men reject their wives’ advances is that they feel their wives are critical or bossy. Nagging simply isn’t an aphrodisiac.

The problem is, which comes first, the chicken or the egg? Are men turned off to being sexual because their wives complain, or do women complain and behave angrily because their husbands are physically and emotionally withdrawn?

Ah yes, the infamous Catch-22. And therein lies the problem. When there is a sexual divide, each spouse waits for the other to change. “If you are nice to me, then I’ll have sex with you,” or “When you have sex with me, I’ll be kinder to you.” You don’t need a degree in psychology to know that this sort of standoff is playing with fire. Stalemates make marriages go down the tubes.

And before I get nasty comments or emails about the fact that there are millions and millions of men who go to bed lonely,…. I know, I know. I have written extensively on this subject. For the record, I routinely encourage women who have little or no understanding about their husbands’ sexual needs to place more priority on their physical relationships. But now it’s time to nudge who have shut down and turned off, to climb out of their comfort zone and reconnect with the women they love.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Myths about Masturbation

The history of masturbation contains many bizarre and hard to belief moments of misinformation. Whether it causes blindness, insanity, acne, or hair growth, masturbation has been both the most reviled and most commonly practiced sexual behavior on the planet. To this day many of us are raised believing certain myths about masturbation. If you’re still trying to separate fact and fiction consider these common myths and the facts that debunk them.
Masturbation Is For the Young
In fact, masturbation is a life long sexual activity. Surveys regularly show that anywhere from 70 to 95% of adult men and women masturbate. And while this may slow down as we age, many of us continue masturbating into our golden years. One survey of 800 adults over 60 found that that 46% of them masturbated, another found that 20% of seniors masturbated once a week or more. Masturbation isn’t just for the young, nor is it an “immature” form of sexual behavior.
Masturbation Isn't "Real Sex"
When you masturbate you can get aroused, which can result in orgasms. In North America, we put values on different sexual behaviors, but this has no basis in science. From a health perspective, masturbation is as “real” a sexual behavior as intercourse, oral sex, or kissing. And research shows that people in relationships masturbate, which contradicts the myth that masturbation is only for loners.
Masturbation Is Bad For Your Health
This myth originated with an anti-masturbation tract that was written in 1712 as a way to sell a bogus “tonic” that was supposed to stop the disease of “self-pollution”. Through the years there have been many colorful attempts to pathologize masturbation. They say it will make you go blind, it will give you acne, and it will grow hair on your palms. All claims that have been refuted by science. Today virtually all physicians and scholars agree that masturbation is harmless.

Men Have to Masturbate, Women Don't
While most statistics show that men do masturbate more than women, there is no evidence to suggest this is due to some biological “need” on the part of men to masturbate. What is true is that social attitudes toward female masturbation are much more negative, and this likely impacts both women’s early masturbation and their willingness to report masturbating in a survey. There is no research to suggest that the desire to masturbate is tied to biological sex or even gender.

People In Relationships Don't Masturbate
This common myth often drives people in relationships to masturbate in private hiding it from their partners. Survey research shows that people of all ages masturbate when they are in relationships. Kinsey’s survey found that almost 40% of men and 30% of women in relationships masturbated. A study of Playboy readers found that 72% of married men masturbated, and a study of Redbook readers found that 68% of married women masturbated.

Too Much Masturbation Is Bad For You
With very rare exceptions, frequent masturbation is not harmful. If an individual is compulsively masturbating or is unable to engage in any sexual behavior other than masturbation, it is possible that there may be reason to consult a mental health professional. But masturbating, whether it is once a month, or three times a day, if it is part of a balanced sexual and social life, poses no specific risks.

Only Certain Kinds of People Masturbate
Survey research debunks this myth that only certain people masturbate. Whether you are 19 or 99, religious and conservative or secular and liberal, whether you are a parent, grandparent, uncle or aunt, whether you get around on your own two legs or use a wheelchair, scooter, crutches, or roller-skates to get around, almost everyone has masturbated at some point in their lives, and most of us continue to do so.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

How to Use Humor to Improve Your Relationships

Humor has long been considered one of the most effective tools to judge the quality of any relationship.

If there is laughter present you can assume that the relationship is a healthy one.

When the laughter ceases you can be quite certain that the relationship is on the down slide.

This laughter barometer can be applied to any relationship at home, at work & at play. Laughter means that you’re having fun & fun means that things are going well.. Take a look at the relationships around you.

Do the couples laugh a lot together? Has the laughter stopped in some of your relationships ?

Here are a few ideas you can use to make certain that laughter remains an ever present reality in your relationships thus ensuring their quality & endurance. Remember introducing humor to previously humorless relationships might take time but the results will be worth the effort.

Start slowly by working on your own fun loving, cheery disposition. Laughter & humor are contagious so it won’t be long before others catch the bug.

* Remember that a sense of humor is learned, not inherited.

* Commit to becoming a humor hound. Look for humor everywhere. When something strikes you funny enjoy it. Let the laughter flow. After the funny event has passed recall it & enjoy it & laugh again.

* Begin to cultivate an atmosphere of humor & laughter in your relationships. Try to enjoy & share humor as often as you can.

* If you don ’t laugh as much as you used to & want to correct the situation start associating with humorous, fun loving people & avoid the downers.

* Learn to laugh at yourself. If you don’t, you leave the job to others.

* Look for funny items in your newspaper & cut them out & share them. I recall reading the want ads one night & discovered this gem : “ The successful applicant should have 203 years experience.”

Obviously the writer meant to say 2 or 3 years experience. I immediately cut it out & placed it in my collection for future use.

* Encourage others to share their humor. Listen & appreciate it when they do. When someone sees that you have enjoyed their humorous contribution they will be eager to continue sharing.

* In my full day humor workshops I always ask the participants to break up into groups & begin sharing the funniest thing that has ever happened to them.

The laughter that this simple activity generates is a joy to behold. Try this will your friends sometime.

* Collect cartoons & jokes & put them on display on the fridge or the bulletin board. Make sure to avoid racist, sexist or filthy humor.

The is plenty of good clean humor to go around without resorting to these. Remember that there is a difference between dirty & earthy humor. I personally like earthy humor. I don’t appreciate dirty material.

* Watch comedy movies and television programs as often a possible.

* Use humor to neutralize conflict in your relationships. When things get tense use self deprecating humor to lighten things up. I remember one evening having an argument with my wife, Carol. In the heat of the moment she said something totally out of character.

She said something hurtful. In my surprise I looked at her and said, “ Carol, when you say things like that you stoop to my level.” She started to laugh and so did I. It wasn’t long before things were back to normal.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Great Romantic Vacation Ideas

Vacation is the perfect time for you to reconnect with your mate and rediscover the love you share for each other, and planning is key to making sure that happens. Consider what you and your mate enjoy, and research opportunities online or through a travel agent. You'll also need to consider your budget and what you'd like to spend. The options are endless when it comes to romantic vacations, and you'll want to plan a trip that ensures you and your mate get the most during your time away from the rest of the world.

1. Sail off into the sunset with your mate on a luxury cruise. If you and your mate want to enjoy sun and fun on an island, take a Caribbean cruise. If you'd rather enjoy nature and scenery, an Alaskan cruise could be the trip for you. Either way, the ship will provide plenty of recreational activities during your time at sea. At night, you can enjoy intimate romantic dinners, dance the night away in the ship's disco or enjoy a quiet, moonlit walk on deck. You'll also stop at several ports, where you'll have the opportunity to find special spots off the beaten path and share once-in-a-lifetime experiences. Look for an all-adults cruise to ensure your romantic journey isn't interrupted by screaming children.

2. If you're looking for a place to relax, reconnect and enjoy quiet time alone, a bed-and-breakfast could be just the spot for you. Leave your cell phones and laptops at home for this quiet getaway. Spend your days eating breakfast on a quiet porch or exploring the town or city. Enjoy a glass of wine together in the evening, then snuggle up under a blanket by the fireplace and get to know each other all over again. If you're looking for a little fun, grab a movie or board game from the bed-and-breakfast's library. You may even want to ask another couple staying at the inn to join you.

Amusement parks
3. While some equate amusement parks with children, there is plenty of fun to be had by adults as well. If you and your mate are young at heart, you'll love the thrill of the park's biggest rollercoaster. The fear of that death-defying drop is a sure way to get closer to your mate. For a little quiet time, jump on the merry-go-round. Take a gamble on the carnival games. Top the day off on the ferris wheel for a breathtaking view. Forget a gourmet dinner. Fill up on hot dogs and cotton candy. Through it all, you'll laugh together and enjoy some old-fashioned, carefree fun.